Ducks outside my house, I see them everyday. I wish i could feed them this and that, but they are so shy, it hurts at times! Had to shoot them from a b-i-g distance :)
The infamous "Stop" sign outside my house in Orlando. I get to see it, and stop every morning. The first hurdle in my day, everyday, so i dedicated this to the blog. No acrobatics needed to shoot this one, just point and fire!
Morning fresh violet!! The dew drops are intact, and pristine. Sometimes, this makes waking up early in the morning so worthwhile. This was taken outside my house in Orlando last week near a lake. Blisssssss!
Bunch of yellow flowers outside the resort. Notice the cloud approaching in the near distance. The whole place was whitewashed in less than a minute after this picture was taken!
In the line of fire!! There was an attempt to light camp-fire, mostly to make tea. This one zooms right into the middle of where the most intense flames were jumping, and captures a snap of that which is burning. Had to be careful with my lens lap, since the heat around the fire was immense!
The charming charming hills of Kodaikanal. Hills look good on a blue shot. One could use a blue filter on the lens to acheive this, or could use another trick: fool the camera! Set exposure such that you were shooting in Fluroscent light (like a tube light, for example), and use this setting outdoors to create this effect. I did not have a blue filter, since the shrubs in the foreground are still green in color!!
Another shot of a marigold with a bee on it. This macro took time for reason unknown to me, but this final shot has clarity that is undefined (Sony makes great cams!). You should really see this on a poster size to see what stunning beauty this captures!
Made a trip to the hills of Kodaikanal in Tamil-Nadu in June 2006. I had resigned from my job and it was so blissful :)
Another macro shot. Notice how the yellow blends into the white petals. If you concentrate really really hard on this pic (stare at it for 10 mins to begin with without blinking an eye), you might just discover something really unbelievable!
Taken in the hills of Kodaikanal. This one was simply charming. Notice the spot focus in the middle of the flower (not the middle of the pic). The edges blur out but the pollens render amazing sharpness
The city where I spent three years in. Taken in Shutter priority with Shutter: 30 secs, Exp: -2.0EV. Its 3.00 in the morning and its drizzling a little bit as well. (Venue: Hebbal Flyover, Bangalore)